Wednesday, August 23, 2006

"Prison Break" Returns

I forgot to make note of this on Monday, but the best show on television (since MacGyver, of course) is returning early for its second season. Prison Break returned for its second act on Monday, August 21, picking up where last season left off. For those who missed it, Fox is airing an encore tonight at 9/8 central. For those who missed the entire first season, it came out on DVD on August 8 and should be the shelves of your favorite retailer (as long as that isn't Wal-Mart!) as we speak. Give the show a try. It's far-fetched beyond belief, but brilliantly crafted escapist fun with all the kinetic energy of 24.


Blogger Mark said...

Good to have you back Sara. Glad your trip went well. Looking forward to reading about it on your well as your thoughts on the primaries that occurred while you were in Brazil.

10:12 PM  

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