My New Year's Resolution
At this time of the year full of fresh starts and new beginnings, I make the following pledge to all of you. In the year 2007, I will be more partisan. I have been way too easy on Republicans in the past inexcusable oversight given how vile their agenda is. The conservative movement is reeling, and 2007 must be the year that we deliver the knockout blow to put it out of its turn it into a puddle underneath our bootheels. Only after we've heard the conservative movement's bones crunch under our jackboots can we turn the Republican Party into the serious opposition party that it was in previous decades. It won't come easy, but if the good guys' soldiers surge ahead with tireless resolve and merciless partisanship, 2007 can become the worst year for the conservative movement since Barry Goldwater's landslide defeat in the 1964 Presidential election.
I made some "de facto" New Year's resolutions in my "lessons learned" entry. I will pay more attention to races that are receiving a ton of buzz and that have independent polls showing the races close, even if Cook, Sabato, et. al. do not have them rated as competitive (PA-04, KS-02, etc.). I will also try to not get too giddy on races when the incumbent Repub is considered DOA early on (NM-01, PA-06). And most importantly, we will not take races such as California governor for granted ever again (though we [thank GOD] will not have to deal with a superstar that the so-called media can't stop fawning over in 2010).
2007 might be a bad year for conservatism, but I promise that the next year won't be: Exhume Goldwater '08!
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