Saturday, January 12, 2008

Computer Down

My recent extended absence was the result of the hard drive on my computer going awry on New Year's Eve. It's fixed now, but of course now I face an even bigger headache with my car having serious engine problems likely to cost four-figures to fix.

Yeah, 2008 is shaping up to be a REAL good year....


Blogger Mark said...

Welcome back Sarah. Have you already finished college or are you just looking for work before you finish? I wish you the best and hope you have better luck than I did. I was unlucky enough to be trying to get a job in 2001 during the recession, and it took me well over a year before I found something.

I'm still nominally an Edwards supporter, but his prospects are getting dim. If Edwards implodes, Obama is definitely my candidate, but given that we're only in the first month of the primaries and the race card is already being gratuitously deployed by the media and some of Obama's overzealous supporters, I have little expectation of him winning in November. Could be a long year.

I was impressed with Richardson's performance in last Saturday's debate. I was uneasy about his willingness to give Alberto Gonzalez the benefit of the doubt last fall "because he was Hispanic" and lost some respect for him when I heard him say that, but I still think he was a fine candidate and fine public servant, and it's kind of sad that the last adult in the race is no longer in the race.

11:05 PM  
Blogger James said...

Mark earlier you said Missouri was a quasi-swing state. May I ask a question? How come when someone says AR, AZ, CO or WV are swing states, people in the blogosphere agree to that, but if someone says MO is a swing state, boy oh boy, everyone gets VERY angry and says "No it won't be!!!!"

4:14 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

James, I'm not really sure. Missouri was a swing state for decades and has only recently swung noticeably to the Republican side. 2004 was probably the peak of Missouri's Republicanism as Bush beat Kerry there by seven points and a Republican Governor was narrowly elected to go along with two Republican Houses in the Legislature. Things have trended the other way since then though. Governor Matt Blunt has some of the lowest approval ratings in the country and polls indicate he'll lose by a sizeable margin next year. Claire McCaskill beat an uncontroversial incumbent Republican Senator last year. And polls indicate a narrow Democratic advantage in Missouri heading into 2008.

An election where the Democratic nominee is Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama is likely an election where the Republicans win in Missouri, but it's still a swing state. I'd consider Democratic prospects considerably better there than Arizona, with or without McCain on the ticket.

8:00 PM  

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